Availability of N2 is abundant as 78% of atmospheric air is N2 and commercially N2 is available at an affordable cost and N2 generators aer available in plenty for large scale & small scale work.

N2 gas molecules are larger size hence ensuring less permeability i.e. less leakage   and escaping from tyre.

Hence N2 helps inflation pressure remains constant for a longer time.

N2 is a none-inflammable and relatively inert gas hence it is non-reactive so it nrither reacts with rubber nor it reacts with tyre steel belt also there is no rusting of where rim due to the absence of Oxygen (O2) and  moisture  (H2O).

N2 provides uniform volume and pressure with increased temperature and avoids cooler running thereby increasing the tyre life.N2 provides more reliable pressure for reduce blowout potential .

Using N2 increase in cost per kilometer on fuel and it is environment friendly due to less CO\CO2

